When we say we are confident of our products, we mean it! Which is why we'd love for you to register for the warranty card. Oh, did we mention that you get an additional year of warranty if you do so? Here's how you can register for it. It cannot get simpler. Or better.

  1. How to find correct serial number?

Register Warranty Card

Note: Use space or "/" sign, for multiple entry of serial number/barcode

When we say we care for you, we mean it! Which is why we'd like you to read our terms and conditions and acquaint yourself with our brand guidelines. So there are no unwarranted surprises. And for you to claim warranty.

Colorbot Fan warranty durations and T&C
Colorbot Product MG warranty durations and T&C
Colorbot product EOL-EOSL policy Gorilla Version1
Colorbot Product EOL-EOSL policy Gorilla Pedestal WM
E-Waste management Policy
ColorBot Protection Plan T&C
Colorbot product EOL-EOSL policy Naveo Model
Product Specifications

When we say we take complaints seriously, we mean it! Which is why we've completely automated our feedback system. We are at your disposal 24x7. Drop in a message at literally any time of the night.

Register New Complaint

When we say that we shall resolve all your issues, we mean it! Which is why we don't just give you an option of registering your complaint at any given point of time, we also let you track the status. We shall forever be accountable to you. Even though we sincerely hope it never comes to it.


Note: We recommend entering Ticket number (Eg.2101260892) for a better result.

When we say we absolutely love our products, we mean it! This is why when you purchase our protection plan, you get to protect your Atomberg product a lot longer under our warranty scheme.

Product Category Model Name 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years
Ceiling Fan Efficio /Efficio plus /Studio 449 688 948
Renesa/Renesa plus/Ozeo 449 688 948
Renesa/Renesa plus/Ozeo 449 688 948
Renesa/Renesa plus/Ozeo 449 688 948


  1. All Prices are inclusive of all taxes
  2. The warranty extension is applicable on Motor(Fan's central head/portion) covers all manufacturing defects
  3. Defect related accessories like Remote, Blade Etc will not be covered - Online troubleshooting will be given free of cost.
  4. Current product must be in warranty period to request atomberg protection plan.
  5. Read T&C to know more.

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